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Piezo-devices Research Group works on designs, develops, manufactures piezoelectric materials, devices and systems for underwater sonar, biomedical ultrasound and in-air actuator applications.

Research : Research



Most of the conventional piezoelectric applications require ceramics in simple shapes such as disks, rings and rectangular forms. Piezodevices Group has in-house dry-pressing, isostatic pressing and lapping-polishing capability to manufacture ceramics in these simple forms to the requirements and dimensions of our customers with fine tolerances.

Transducers & Devices


Piezo-devices Research Group has years of experience in designing and developing high performance, novel piezoelectric transducers and devices. We utilize finite elements modeling tools in developing new designs and analyzing the devices in the prototyping stage.

Fibers-Nanofibers Forms of Piezoelectric Materials

K-90 10% PVP spin (21).TIF

Piezoelectric ceramics in the fiber form are attractive due to their anisotropic properties and increased flexibility. Their main use is in the design and fabrication of compliant and flexible piezocomposite structures with high strain response and high acoustic sensitivity.

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